2025: A Decade of Impact
We are celebrating 10 years of grant making and more than $2 million awarded to non-profits in Fairfield County!
10th Anniversary Celebration
Save Thursday November 7th for our Fall Kick Off, where we will honor our founders and 10 year members.
Check out our Upcoming Events page to find other opportunities to commemorate Impact FFC’s work.
On Wednesday May 7th, join us and all 17 of our Grantee Partners at our Grant Awards Celebration where we will present both our 2025 $100,000 Grants as well as special Anniversary Grants to our past Grantees.
10th Anniversary Grant
Our goal is to raise $100,000 for our Anniversary Grant in unrestricted funding to be shared equally across our 17 Grantee Partners.
This framework enables Impact FFC to:
Celebrate our Grantees as Impact FFC Partners.
Be as inclusive as possible.
Showcase our Grantees’ continuing successes.
Our members’ generosity, commitment, and passion to create change over the last ten years are reflected in the initiatives that our Grantees have forged within our community - together we have:
Expanded an ELL music curriculum
Equipped a dental office
Combatted homelessness
Trained child care educators
Supported survivors of sexual assault
Built an outdoor learning center
Educated students about sexual violence
Established an urban hydroponic farm
Bolstered access to pre-school and childcare
Sponsored mental health support for children
And so much more….
We invite all members, past members, potential members, and friends to contribute to our 10th Anniversary Grant.